Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Little Boy and a little bird...


Meet Robin, Josiah's fast new friend.

Yes, Jojo's three and a half and will one day hate me for this blog post. But, he LOVES this bird (and I had to share it....).

Our big boy sleeps with Robin.  I've watched him whisper secret, lovely things to this tiny bird. He carries him around our home while chirping Robin's comments to us. He almost took him to show and tell at preschool, but decided against it when weighing the possibility of losing him in a new place.

A few nights ago, Josiah perched this little bird on my shoulder. I read his books, sang his songs, prayed with him, and cuddled him. My heart ached. Jojo so despretly wants to be big. He calls himself "big brother" and reminds me daily that he wants to grow up so he can "drive a car and cook." And so often I want that, too. I want him to be more independent. I want my own time. I want to brush my teeth and wash my face without someone crying or asking for a snack.

Yet, the sweet, tender Robin-loving moments are fading. Soon he will realize that it's not cool for a boy to love a robin (and tote him in a plastic grocery cart around the neighborhood). Soon the excitement for the sweet and simple will be gone. He will truly be BIG and these moments will only be treasured as faint snapshots of this mama's heart.   

Lord, teach me to soak up the present... to love the everyday. Help ME to love the sweet. Help ME to love the simple. Help me to realize that all of these moments are but fading themselves in view of eternity with You. Amen.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The RED Couch

Our new

Mark and I found this lovely piece at Sofa Mart last weekend. It was a floor model and beckoned for us to take her home. I never thought my home would house modern furniture. I never thought I would choose something so bright...and did I mention that it's RED??

In contemplating if it should be a permanent fixture in our home, a major feature began to sway us. It is made of enduro suede. This means it would resist kid spills AND would make lovely tire track marks for Josiah and Noah's vechicles. The best part was that we both loved it! This was the piece for us.

After putting it in our living room, I've found myself sizing it up. Does it "work" in here? I've honestly tried not to like it. But secretly I keep smiling at it. It makes me happy.

On Monday afternoons, I spend time in the Word and prayer with some special women. This Monday, Riccara was sitting on our new couch (and looking very sleek and beautiful, I might add). We were talking about prayer. How prayer often is hard and, sadly, one of the first things to drop when life gets busy. I stopped, looked at that precious couch, and felt a nudging to get on my knees before it. Riccara joined me and we prayed. The change of posture and submission before God was beautiful.

I discovered that the red couch is the perfect height for kneeling prayer.  It is now a home of communication before God. In my traditional styled home, this piece is unique. It is set apart. Looking forward I see the enduro suede fabric becoming  stained with tears and losing its tire tracking ability. But that's okay. May our red couch always be a place of prayer.

Romans 15:5-6