Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 Years and Counting!!

Ten years ago today Mark and I were married (at this Church in SC)! We stand in amazement today of all that God has done in our lives. Today, I've been pondering our marriage verse, Romans 15:5-6.

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Marriage is definitely an endurance sport. Through struggles with communication, years of infertility, and our search to find balance in ministry and family, God has provided ample room for our growth and trust in His provision and goodness. Our seasons of heartache and triumph have brought unity and encouragement. What an incredible opportunity for sanctification He has designed within the marriage relationship. 

We are grateful for the years together and look forward to the birth of our son, Noah, in just a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back in one piece!

"This conference was so good." remarked one airman at the end of our time in Austria. We had battle two nine hour drives, a week of skiing (I know, the sacrifice!), language barriers and an eighty year old castle once owned by the Nazis’ now owned by Calvary Chapel (the irony!)
The conference and the time in Europe were incredible. I was able to speak four times and your prayers were felt. The talks went well but the time that God had me spend with the airmen was incredible. Not only did I get a chance to talk with then at meals, during van rides and while we were skiing, but they really opened up. I was humbled by the experience and saddened by the needs each of these folks face. God is working in Germany and I saw that everywhere.  

The club, Club 7, is run by Nav staff on the Ramstein AFB is very nice. This is due to the support the staff is receiving from the base leadership. God has blessed them with a Chief of Chaplains that is a believer and whose life has been impacted by the Navigators. The impact is being seen even by the base commander.
I was humbled by the opportunity to be a part of such a special ministry. It got me thinking about the great need that is all around us. The staff that serve on the base are former military and this is a huge blessing because they are granted privileges that civilians have a much harder time getting such as base access. They have instant credibility with the airmen and they understand the politics of being on an Air Force base.
            Is there an area around you that you have the privilege of being a part of? Maybe it is a health club, golf course, business group, or maybe you have the expertise to connect with others in your field of work or hobbies. The thought is you are looking around at the daily opportunities to live Christ in front of other people. It doesn’t matter your age, job, city you live in, etc. The opportunities are there to interact with hurting people.

Would you pray that God would show you the hurting in your community and give you the courage to interact with them? It can be as simple as a smile, or helping to fill a need someone has, and the great thing is it all starts with one.
The passage I spoke from the last night was John 15, the true vine. Jesus reminds us that He is the vine and we are outpouring of the goodness that comes from Him. In fact He tells us that apart from him we can do NOTHING. God care for us so that we can “bear much fruit” but the fruit only comes from the vine through the branch. We are simply the avenue the God chooses to use to bless others.
Go ahead and be a blessing today!